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Colombia has the largest reserves of Coal in Latin America. It has 0.7% of the world reserves of coal (7.000 million metric tons), representing 0.75% of the total world production (49.3 millions of tons per annum), while it consumes only 0.096% of the total world production (5.2 million tons). In Colombia, even in moments of economic crisis, the growth rate of the mineral energy sector has always been greater than the economy as a whole.

The coal reserves that Colombia has, assures more than 250 years of production at the current exploitation level. This is enough to satisfy the local market and to be a significant participant in the international market.

Colombia exports 92% of its production to Europe (52%), North America (36%) and South America (4%), delivering three kinds of carboniferous products to their markets: Anthracite, Cokes and Semi-cokes, and Thermal Coals. Colombia is the fifth largest exporter of thermal coal worldwide.

The Colombian coal is internationally acknowledged for its high quality. Its location is strategically important with regards to the new markets of Latin America, and its production cost is one of the lowest in the world. A million BTUs of engine gasoline has a cost of approximately 15 times more than a million BTUs of mineral coal.



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